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Sep 11, 2017  Here is the long awaited Spriest guide! Here are time stamps to help you navigate the video: 0:27 - Talents / Honor Talents 12:50 - Goals / Objectives 16:32.

*How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 1

*How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 2017

*How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 Build

*How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 Guide

Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Each rotation list is more of a 'priority list'--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. Out of all abilities you have available, use the one highest up in the priority list.

Shadow Priest DPS priority involves two phases. The first phase is executed in Shadowform to build Insanity so that you can enter Voidform for additional damage. However, the rotation remains largely the same in both forms.

*Shadowfiend on CD

*Shadow Word: Pain (maintain DoT See Note 1)

*Vampiric Touch (maintain DoT See Note 1)

*Void Eruption (See Note 2)

*Void Bolt on CD

*Shadow Word: Void on CD (See Note 3)

*Mind Flay (See Note 4)

You will want to enter Voidform as soon as you can, continuing to follow the above prioritization for generating Insanity optimally.

Note 1: It's generally best to avoid refreshing DoT's when it still has a lot of time left. Try and wait until they are about to expire before refreshing.How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 1

Note 2: Casting Void Eruption whenever possible is crucial for being able to activate Voidform in timely fashion.

Note 3: Replace Shadow Word: Void with Mind Blast in this priority list if not using that talent.

Note 4: Channeling Mind Flay is a great filler spell when there's nothing else to do. However, interrupt it as soon as you have something better to cast.How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 2017

*Shadowfiend on CD

*Void Eruption (See Note 2 above)

*Void Bolt on CD (if in Voidform)

*Shadow Word: Pain maintain DoT on multiple targets (See Note 5)

*Vampiric Touch maintain DoT on multiple targets (See Note 5)

Note 5: These DoTs are effective up to about 5 targets at once, and should not be applied on any target that will die in less than 8-12 seconds.

*Shadowfiend or Mindbender Use on cooldown while Voidform is active.

*Vampiric Embrace Use at the discretion of your party/raid leader for group healing.

Welcome to this End-Game World of Warcraft Class Guide for Shadow Priests. This guide is simplified and streamlined to give effective information and advice without over-complicating things. It's intended for players who want to excel at DPS without having to deeply theorycraft every item and encounter or try and digest massive walls of text.For competitive end-game raiders, we suggest explicitly using simulation tools, spreadsheets, and your own judgement to produce optimal stat weights, talent builds, and ability prioritizations as they ultimately depend on your character profile, raid needs, and preference of playstyle.

Browsing through this guide couldn't be easier. Below are the guides available, and remember you can always use the tabs above to navigate through them.How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 Build

*Stat Priority  & Summaries

Optimized Stat Priority and Stat Summaries.

*Gems, Enchants & Consumables

Optimized Gems, Enchants and Consumables.

*Talents & Build

Max-performing Talent Build and information on talents.

*DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

DPS Rotation and Cooldown guidance.

*Azerite Powers & BiS Gear

Best-in-Slot (BiS) Gear and the best selected Azerite Traits.

If you're interested in seeing how Shadow Priest stacks up against other specs, be sure to check out our spec rankings:How To Do Dmg As Shadow Priest 7.3.5 Guide

*DPS Rankings

Generated using SimulationCraft, the most trusted theorycraft tool.





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